關鍵字:傳感器 IC Insights
20世紀90年代后期以來,傳感器市場只遭遇過一次下跌,即2009年,市場營收跌幅為2%。不過,2010年的復蘇來得極為猛烈,整體市場暴漲53%。2012年O-S-D 報告顯示,2011年的固態傳感器市場增長幅度達到21%。預計2011年到2016年間,全球傳感器銷售額的復合年均增長率(CAGR)達18%,2016年營收將達到109億美元。
加速度計和陀螺儀以及大多數的壓力傳感器都使用MEMS架構來偵測環境。2005年,基于MEMS技術的傳感器占整體傳感器市場營收的54%,目前這一數值約為70%。IC Insights預計,MEMS傳感器在2011年到2016年間的復合年均增長率為19%。傳感器其實涵蓋于范圍更廣的半導體器件細分市場,這一市場包括如激勵器,微鏡,表面波濾波器,微流體芯片,噴墨噴嘴,以及基于電信號傳導制動的MEMS器件等。而2011年,傳感器給這一市場貢獻了56%的營收,包括來自于激勵器的44%。當年,激勵器的營收為37億美元。預計基于MEMS的激勵器營收將以15%的復合年均增長率增長至2016年的75億美元。
New Embedded Features WIll More Than Double Sensor Sales by 2016
Semiconductor sensor sales will achieve double-digit growth rates and record-high dollar volumes each year through 2016 as more system products gain the ability to automatically control and protect themselves, understand movement, detect changes around them, and support new user interfaces, says IC Insights’ 2012 Optoelectronics, Sensors/Actuators, and Discretes (O-S-D) Report. The new report shows sensor sales growing 18% in 2012 to $5.7 billion, surpassing the $4.8 billion record set in 2011.
Since the late 1990s, annual sensor sales have declined only once, slipping just 2% in the 2009 downturn before surging 53% in the 2010 recovery year. The solid-state sensor market grew 21% in 2011. Between 2011 and 2016, worldwide sensor sales are expected to increase by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18%, growing to $10.9 billion in the final forecast year of the new 2012 O-S-D Report (see Figure).
Within the sensor market segment, accelerometers and gyroscope devices (i.e., acceleration and yaw sensors) continue to be the largest and fastest-growing product category, with dollar volumes projected to increase by a CAGR of 20% to $5.9 billion in 2016 compared to $2.4 billion in 2011. Sales of magnetic-field sensors, such as Hall-effect devices and electronic compass chips, will grow by a CAGR of 16% to $2.7 billion in 2016 from $1.3 billion in 2011, according to IC Insights’ new O-S-D Report. Pressure sensor sales are expected to rise by a CAGR of 15% to $2.0 billion in 2016 from about $1.0 billion in 2011.
Accelerometers and gyroscope devices, along with most pressure sensors, use microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures to measure and detect changes around them. MEMS-based devices now account for about 70% of total sensor revenues compared to 54% in 2005. The 2012 O-S-D Report shows MEMS-based sensors sales growing by a CAGR of 19% between 2011 and 2016. Sensors are part of a broader semiconductor market segment that also includes actuators, such as micro-mirror devices, surface-acoustic wave (SAW) filters, microfluidic chips, inkjet nozzle components, and other MEMS-based products that initiate physical actions from electronic signals. Sensor sales accounted for 56% of this market’s overall sales in 2011, while actuators represented 44%, or $3.7 billion, last year. MEMS-based actuator sales are expected to grow by a CAGR of 15% to $7.5 billion in 2016, according to the new O-S-D Report’s five-year forecast.